Why Arctic Natural Chaga extract

Why are we proud of the Arctic Natural Chaga extract? Our Chaga quote recorded a higher ORAC value than the maximum value identified by the Superfoodly.com portal. As we previously informed, Superfoodly.com registers Chaga extract as having an ORAC value of 146,700 μmol TE/100g. Superfoodly.com says that Chaga extract ORAC values may vary depending on the manufacturer, and the highest value they have ever seen is 146,700.

We have submitted our Chaga extract for the ORAC test to the Japan Food Research Laboratories, a reputable Japanese food test center. The result was 1,500 μmol TE/g., equal to 150,000 μmol TE/100g. So, we can safely say that our Chaga extract is in the world’s top class. Having such high antioxidant value, we are happy to present our product to our customers.

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